Arbitration / Mediation / Legal / International Negotiatoion
Arbitration / Mediation / Legal / International Negotiatoion
Usually with a nexus to international affairs, I have a long nexus of presentations--from my school days as a student, to my decades with classrooms, conference rooms, and other professional arenas in which I imparted the knowledge that requires a rough & tumble effort to present it accurately to the global communities
In addition to scores of presentations in my classrooms as a student and a teach, I also have presented in-person throughout the United States in places such as New Mexico, Texas, Washington, D.C., and other places around the nation on international law, culture, and more. I have continued such lectures online, with recent presentations
In addition to scores of presentations in my classrooms as a student and a teach, I also have presented in-person throughout the United States in places such as New Mexico, Texas, Washington, D.C., and other places around the nation on international law, culture, and more. I have continued such lectures online, with recent presentations on the North American Constitutional Question, Territorial Integrity & Diversity Jurisdiction, and Food Diplomacy. (Given marque placement)
Comparative analysis concerning Constitutional law are sprinkled throughout my analyses page of my website,, including across time and borders. Meaning, a critique of those that have changed within a nation (i.e. Mexican and Texan and Irish changes over time) or as compared to other constitutions around the world by subject (national hol
Comparative analysis concerning Constitutional law are sprinkled throughout my analyses page of my website,, including across time and borders. Meaning, a critique of those that have changed within a nation (i.e. Mexican and Texan and Irish changes over time) or as compared to other constitutions around the world by subject (national holidays, international affairs, structural comparisons).
This in part came together with my contribution no Ireland to the International Review of Constitutional Reform of 2022.
From the Five Perms analyses to the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Climate Change, my analyses page of my website displays scores of such advocacy efforts (see separate page on ICJ analyses on the Judicial Heritage page). This is also present in caselaw from Connecticut (influences of Sheff v. O'Neill and other cases; work for the Law Offices o
From the Five Perms analyses to the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Climate Change, my analyses page of my website displays scores of such advocacy efforts (see separate page on ICJ analyses on the Judicial Heritage page). This is also present in caselaw from Connecticut (influences of Sheff v. O'Neill and other cases; work for the Law Offices of Raymond Kotulski; & state-sponosored dissolution law giving the appearance of Disabled, Lesbian and Racist status to denigrate my capacity, heterosexuality and inclusivity as a fair, level-headed judge) as well as at the ICJ and the Federal Courts.
To include:
Kotulski v. Kemp, U.S. Courts, District of Nevada (Reno), 3:24-CV-00446-MMD-CSD (2024).
Kotulski v. Mirabelle, U.S. Courts, District of Connecticut (New Haven), 3:23-CV-01368-JAM (2023).
Kotulski v. Mirabelle, U.S. Courts, Appellate Court of the Second Circuit, CA23-7675 (2023).
Kotulski v. Mirabelle, U.S. Supreme Court (2023) (unfiled due to ongoing obstructive funding tactics).
Love v. Slaughter, Hood & Averill (Warmuth, etc.), U.S. Courts, District of Massachusetts (Boston), 1:22-CV-10432-NMG (2022-2024; Kotulski joining in May 2023).
Love v. Slaughter, Hood, & Averill (Warmuth, etc.), U.S. Courts, Appellate Court of the First Circuit, CA24-1347 (2024-present).
In those two encyclopedic volumes, I also considered scientific analyses of LASERs, complex systems, and the American Medical Association. A scientific heritage passed down from multiple generations on both sides of my family.
International Organizations have been an integral part of my work for decades, which made it fun to immerse myself in another study in 2015.
For several decades, I have been an expert in U.S. Presidents--even going to pick up my dog in Missouri by way of several presidential sites along the way from Connecticut. The Copyright for this one piece about inclusion of Chief Justice and Justice nominations by the Presidents belongs to him!
I have conducted studies resulting in biographies about a number of peoples and their families throughout my life: 1. an admiral from the Nuclear Navy; 2. a policy influencer for Environmental and other healthy benefit matters; 3. a reformer through her written word for racial, ethnic and gender equality; 4. President Johnson's Great Soci
I have conducted studies resulting in biographies about a number of peoples and their families throughout my life: 1. an admiral from the Nuclear Navy; 2. a policy influencer for Environmental and other healthy benefit matters; 3. a reformer through her written word for racial, ethnic and gender equality; 4. President Johnson's Great Society; 5. The founder of Microsoft; 6. the Dupont family. They can be found principally in three sources (with the written word reformer arising in a work that is in my burnt down archives). This heritage in part arises from my father and my love of Benjamin Franklin's Poor Man's Almanack, a copy which I bought for him from a bookstore next door to where Natalie Portman played Anne Frank in Boston, Massachusetts soon after I returned from the Netherlands and Germany, as well as on a high school paper on Rasputin and a college paper on one of the first African American judges in the United States of America...among others...
1. Class in America (Greenwood Press: 2006).
2. Industrial Revolution (
3. Through My Periscope by Richard Riddell (2013)
In the Autumn of 2022, I submitted my concern for those being found "guilty" of associating with difference after serving as an educator in part for those with disabilities after responding to of a call for input by a seeming group called the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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