Arbitration / Mediation / Legal / International Negotiatoion
Arbitration / Mediation / Legal / International Negotiatoion
Borne into a family with an international nexus, I have had inherent involvement with the UN. This expertise has evolved to include many other international organizations around the world. Don't necessarily try this at home. I am happy to climb such mountains on a'half of the U.S., World, & a'yond along with allies.
From the International Court of Justice to the principal organs of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic & Social Council and scores of sub-bodies like the International Law Commission and the UNESCO communities, I am one of hte foremost experts on the totality of the UN. Some projects have included:
1. Advocacy for the Bristol
From the International Court of Justice to the principal organs of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic & Social Council and scores of sub-bodies like the International Law Commission and the UNESCO communities, I am one of hte foremost experts on the totality of the UN. Some projects have included:
1. Advocacy for the Bristols of the World to Unite around that of the Borderlands of Tennessee & Virginia
2. Immersion of all the ICJ and ILC International law materials as well as the legal documents arising from the Security Council and the General Assembly, particularly resolutions.
Profound knowledge and application of the ICJ and its predecessor the PCIJ, having served as a presiding judge in the context of the Court's jurisprudence and in the running to serve as one of the next U.S. judges on that court.
I was raised in a very sporting household--basketball (landslide and poolside), baseball, football, and more. In academia, I sometimes had to protect that imagery from folks as they oft would sneer in disdain at the sporting communities. I found the perfect way of doing both--love of the good clean competition that comes with the rules-
I was raised in a very sporting household--basketball (landslide and poolside), baseball, football, and more. In academia, I sometimes had to protect that imagery from folks as they oft would sneer in disdain at the sporting communities. I found the perfect way of doing both--love of the good clean competition that comes with the rules-based mechanism arising from organized sports combined with the legal analyses that I have perfected at all levels of governance. Photo at the Atlanta 1996 Olympics with two medalists. My basketball photo with my Daisy Dukes has likely been burned with my katarinian logs (let's hope not).
Coming from three generations of medical professionals, I have experienced many facets of health care from the care of patients to the organizational management of facilities and, of course, the relevant legal tenets associated with the industry in the private and public realms. Including mine!
My father went to Trade School to serve the military and learned to arbitrate and mediate as Union President on matters through his work as well as his engagement with lawyers from around the world. I have witnessed the gamut of trades throughout my life with such a context--culinary arts, farming, factory work, engineering, education, a
My father went to Trade School to serve the military and learned to arbitrate and mediate as Union President on matters through his work as well as his engagement with lawyers from around the world. I have witnessed the gamut of trades throughout my life with such a context--culinary arts, farming, factory work, engineering, education, and many more. I am versed in the WTO jurisprudence as well as the triggering treaties.
From NAFTA/USMCA to the European Court of Justice and others, I have expertise in every region of the world's IOs and Courts thereof.
From ASEAN to NATO and the OAS to the AU as well as the Arctic Circle and ANZUS, I have climbed the mountain of laws so that my expertise spans the globe and beyond—with my knowledge of Aerospace and Space Law (thanks Daddy & Sikorski for such a great foundation that helped me really appreciate such lectures as that of Judge Vereshchetin at the UN!).
From GRECO to the Treaty on the Rights of the Child and beyond, I have experience in treaty application, compliance, and modification.
From engagement in jurisprudence provided by the judges of the ICC as well as the Court's Prosecutorial reporting mechanisms to the INTERPOL outreach efforts to bring international organizations to the local communities at National Night Out with a proposed table with IA, international criminal law is an inherent part of the legal regime
From engagement in jurisprudence provided by the judges of the ICC as well as the Court's Prosecutorial reporting mechanisms to the INTERPOL outreach efforts to bring international organizations to the local communities at National Night Out with a proposed table with IA, international criminal law is an inherent part of the legal regime with an eye towards ensuring peaceful mechanisms may arise through appropriate levels of corrections, guidance, and more.
From the five Perms to every single Constitution offered in English, French, Spanish, and Russian, my constitutional expertise spans the gamut of formation, implementation, modification, and other relevant factors of formative national documents and the jurisprudence arising from such.
Law of armed conflict, one of my longstanding expertsie arising in a military family, oft allows settlement in tribunals. I have expertise in a number of them, including one that may well arise with the post-conflict situations in Israel and Eastern Europe.
From BRICS to the Privy Council and others, I have immersed myself in bodies dedicated to deliberatively and lawfully formed global alliances.
From Europe to Asia to Africa and the Americas, I have a profound knowledge of the human rights systems for each region. From policy formation to law at all levels, I have immersed myself in treaties, jurisprudence, and more and I have applied it through briefing, for the Courts as well as academic analyses about the Courts.
To those that have been there for long periods of time (League of Nations to UN and others) to those that have begun growing alongside me decades ago, to those forming as we speak...may we have evermore opportunities for good will, good offices and good conflict at the international, federal, state, and local levels and beyond.
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